

Frame deliberation as a Global South practice

Practices to implement

Deliberation is rooted everywhere. Always go back to the history and legacy of participatory/deliberative/civic education in the Global South and integrate it into the mutual learning processes for both institutional—formal vs rooted—and informal means of deliberation.

Identify other narratives of deliberative democracy origins outside of Western civilization, outside of Athens. Take time to inquire into these other narratives of deliberative democracy origins from the Global South and incorporate them into our collective projects and narratives. Inquire by asking our Global South colleagues and collaborators questions and doing your own research.
  • What are the origins of deliberation/sortition/mini-publics in your practices, territory or country?
  • If you can, take additional time to conduct brief independent desk research and/or inquire with academic colleagues from the Global South.

Documentation and integration of other narratives. Give acknowledgement and integrate these other narratives of deliberative democracy origins from the Global South into our collective projects and narratives.

Keep questions about innovation from the Global South on the table.


  • What are the various tools, practices, approaches or knowledge that could be applied here?
  • How would you (Global South) go about solving this/getting this done?