Let’s identify our differences, similarities and complementarities.
Practices to implement
Applying a Global South perspective means departing from our collective notion of the Global South (please review Step 00 and Step 01).
Take time to identify and recognize our differences, similarities, and complementarities in the Global South’s deliberative democracy practices.
Differences. The Global South is not a monolith; thus, our perspective must involve recognizing the differences within it. We can identify our differences by asking ourselves…
What are the particular contexts that we’re facing that impact our practice of deliberative democracy?
Similarities. The Global South shares some historical, political, social and economic contexts, for example…
Inequality in citizen participation in the Global South: Most people don’t have the necessary resources (time, money, access to participation spaces, care work, mobility) to exercise their right to citizen participation.
Complementarities. These possible similar contexts within the Global South could lead us to have some complementarities in our solutions, innovations and practices from the Global South.
We can identify our similarities by asking ourselves…
• What are the particular ways in which we’re facing or solving the barriers we’ve mentioned?
• What are the particular solutions and innovations we’ve created? What are they for?
We can identify our complementarities by asking ourselves…
• Are there any solutions or innovations from my colleagues that could be useful for a specific problem or barrier we’re facing?