
How to Read This Methodology

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This methodology was co-created by DRD members participating in South-North Learning Committee sessions during 2023. The South-North Learning (SNL) group drafted this initial proposal based on the recollection of methodological insights in workshops and through a crowd-sourced writing exercise entitled Notebook of co-creation during 2023.

From the insights gathered, two methodologies were drafted to strengthen mutual learning:

  • A protocol for Global South-to-North interactions
  • A ritual for Global South-to-South interactions


Each of the methodologies will be explained below through a series of steps, exercises and recommended principles and practices to strengthen mutual learning within our ecosystem.

The concrete objectives of both methodologies are the following

A protocol for Global South-
to-North interactions

A protocol for Global South-
to-North interactions

The protocol seeks to guide Global South-to-North interactions through self-mapping exercises and recommended principles and practices to strengthen mutual and non-coercive learning between Global South and North practitioners and learners.

A ritual for Global South-
to-South interactions

A protocol for Global South-
to-North interactions

The ritual seeks to enhance Global South-South learning based upon shared challenges and solutions, identifying common principles and recommending practices used by Global South practitioners.

How to Use This Methodology

This methodology, either for a South-North or South-South orientation to mutual learning, can be used in any interactions between deliberative democracy practitioners, advocates, learners, scholars, etc.

This methodology can also be used in transnational or global spaces like the Democracy R&D or other similar networking spaces.

This methodology can also be used before or through project co-design processes, or in co-implementation and/or fund-seeking stages for collaborative projects.

Protocol for South-North Learning (SNL)

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“This methodology identifies principles and recommends practices for mutual learning in the interactions between Global North and South practitioners.”

South-to-North Objective:

Principles and practices recommended to guide the interaction and collaborations between deliberative democracy practitioners and learners from the Global North and South in order to enhance mutual learning, particularly in interactions initiated by Global North actors.

Step 00

Remember our key concepts

Protocol for South-North Learning (SNL)

Step 01

Let’s get into an SNL mutual learning mood!

Protocol for South-North Learning (SNL)

Step 02

Let’s integrate our principles and practices for SNL

Protocol for South-North Learning (SNL)

Step 03

Let’s celebrate and share our SNL process with others!

Ritual for South-South Learning

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“This methodology identifies principles and recommends practices for mutual learning in the interactions between Global South practitioners from

Why is this a Ritual?

South-to-South Objective: In this methodology, we want to focus on enhancing South-South learning and identifying principles and practices used by Global South practitioners to enhance learning, collaboration and innovation based upon shared challenges and solutions in the Global South.

Step 00

Remember our key concepts

Ritual for South-South Learning

Step 01

Let’s get into a South-South mutual learning mood!

Ritual for South-South Learning

Step 02

Let’s integrate our principles and practices for mutual learning in our South-South interactions.

Ritual for South-South Learning

Step 03

Let’s celebrate and share our SNL process with others! I think we're missing this last important step.

South—North Learning (SNL)

Methodology for Mutual Learning

Protocol for South-North Learning (SNL)

Step 00

Remember our key concepts

South—North Learning (SNL)

Methodology for Mutual Learning

Protocol for South-North Learning (SNL)

Step 01

Let’s get into an SNL mutual learning mood!

South—North Learning (SNL)

Methodology for Mutual Learning

Protocol for South-North Learning (SNL)

Step 02

Let’s integrate our principles and practices for SNL

South—North Learning (SNL)

Methodology for Mutual Learning

Protocol for South-North Learning (SNL)

Step 03

Share with others


and share our SNL
process with others!

Ritual for South-South Learning Steps

South—North Learning (SNL)

Methodology for Mutual Learning

Ritual for South-South Learning

Step 00

Remember our key concepts

South—North Learning (SNL)

Methodology for Mutual Learning

Ritual for South-South Learning

Step 01

Let’s get into a South-South mutual learning mood!

South—North Learning (SNL)

Methodology for Mutual Learning

Ritual for South-South Learning

Step 02

Let’s integrate our principles and practices for mutual learning in our South-South interactions

South—North Learning (SNL)

Methodology for Mutual Learning

Ritual for South-South Learning

Step 03

Share with others!


and share our SNL
process with others!

Ritual for South-South Learning Steps