Susan Lee, a scholar and practitioner of democracy from Seoul, South Korea, co-founded the World Citizens’ Assembly in 2020, a prototype of a global citizens’ assembly based on iterative pilot tests, with Yago Bermejo Abati. In 2021, Deliberativa began co-incubating the Global Assembly, the first global citizens’ assembly selected by sortition in the lead-up to COP26. Deliberativa coordinated pilot tests on multilingual virtual deliberation to inform the final design of the Assembly. As part of the Implementation Circle, Susan supported the recruitment and management of over 100 global partners to implement decentralized selection and train local hosts of Assembly participants. In the fall of 2021, she co-designed and implemented the deliberative process and result consolidation methodology. Susan has been the main spokesperson of the Global Assembly since the project’s launch; her media work can be seen here and here. She is interested in imagining participatory models of global governance, decolonizing deliberative democracy, and placing youth at the forefront of the deliberative wave.